The bookleggers hit the Getty Museum. The bookleggers manifesto: Border scholars Javier Durán and Juan Carlos Ramírez-Pimienta have theorized the notion of “educated” Mexicans residing in the United States, Mexicans who have emigrated to the United States as well as to U.S education during their formative years and who are referred to as “Wet Minds”. The natives of the Mexican northern border states, many of whom have been pushed abroad by centralist education, cross the border on a daily basis. Since this phenomenon of the “Commuter minds” first occurred, the US immigration officers have been on the lookout for books as incriminating evidence for the crime of getting educated. Many imprudent prospective “Commuter Minds” get caught and their rights to cross the border are taken away. Our job is, as Capone once stated, to supply a demand. We are the bookleggers. Octavio Castellanos Omar Pimienta Clavo: Juan Laguana