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The Living Past:
Innovating Tradition
in the Arts

Todos Invitados.

A group exhibition co-curated
with Lydia Nakashima Degarrod

This exhibition is being held in conjunction
with Performing Diaspora, a performing
arts festival sponsored by CounterPULSE.

Please join us for the
Opening Reception:
Thursday, October 28, 6:30PM–7:30PM
(preceded by a special event
for alumni and donors)
CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco CA 94103

Exhibition dates:
CIIS Main Building, 3rd Floor
October 28, 2010 –January 9, 2011

Borderlands: A Conversation about
Immigration and the Arts

November 13, 2010 2:00PM–5:00PM at CounterPULSE,
1310 Mission Street (at 9th Street)

Gallery Hours:
M-F 9:00AM–6:30PM
Sat-Sun 9:00AM–3:00PM

This exhibit celebrates the threads that keep us connected to our cultural traditions by presenting works of artists who use traditional elements from their cultures to address contemporary issues. The artists draw from a vast variety of cultures: San Francisco’s Chinatown, the murals of East Los Angeles, Japanese American internment camps, Hawaii, the Mexico/ United States border, Guatemala, Iran, Japan, and West Africa. The traditional is used as inspiration, material and/or technique, as these artists help us break the boundaries of time and space.

This exhibition is being held in conjunction with Performing Diaspora, CounterPULSE’s festival featuring dance, music, theater, media and interdisciplinary artists who are using traditional forms as a basis for experiment and innovation. Join the conversation at

Above: Omar Pimienta, Lady Libertad apparition/aparición 1, variable sizes, 2009


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Todos Invitados!


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